Sunday, 20 August 2023

Podman Issues connecting to Registry

I recently got a new laptop so was setting up my pod man for the article I wrote a few months ago on IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) image hierarchy setup and started getting a few issues doing a pod man build.

I am currently on: podman version 4.3.0, Apple M1 MAC Ventura 13.3.1.

[Solution] - changer the DockerFile pull 'FROM' tag to be the or the podman image id e.g., ae6dcfdd3e9d. subsequent FROMs also work e.g., FROM level-1 worked after doing a FROM 09d860f27b68 for the ace base.


podman build -f level-1.dockerfile . -t level-1    

STEP 1/2: FROM acebase

Resolving "acebase" using unqualified-search registries (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/999-podman-machine.conf)

Trying to pull

Error: creating build container: initializing source docker://acebase:latest: reading manifest latest in requested access to the resource is denied

podman build -f level-1.dockerfile . -t level-1    

STEP 1/2: FROM acebase:v1

Resolving "acebase" using unqualified-search registries (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/999-podman-machine.conf)

Trying to pull

Error: creating build container: initializing source docker://acebase:v1: reading manifest v1 in requested access to the resource is denied

podman build -f level-1.dockerfile . -t level-1    

STEP 1/2: FROM localhost/acebase

Trying to pull localhost/acebase:latest...

Error: creating build container: initializing source docker://localhost/acebase:latest: pinging container registry localhost: Get "https://localhost/v2/": dial tcp [::1]:443: connect: connection refused